The (the “Blog”) website and extensions of the website (blog, social media, and other communications) were created by Maximus Beach (the “Creator”) to try to provide accurate information on investing and personal finance for entertainment and educational purposes only. The Creator is not providing legal, accounting, or financial advisory services, and the Blog is not a solicitation or recommendation for any specific individual to buy or sell any stocks or other financial instruments. Blog posts under the “Warrior Stock Picks” category are intended to be introductions to investment ideas that are to be discussed with a financial advisor. THE PROVIDED PERSONAL FINANCE AND INVESTING INFORMATION MAY NOT APPLY DIRECTLY TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. The Creator recommends you consult with a financial professional before making any serious financial decisions.
All opinions and statements made by the Creator are not a reflection of the Creator’s past or current employer’s opinions.
Examples that address specific stocks are for education and demonstration purposes only and may not represent specific trades or transactions that the Creator has conducted. References to stock prices, market conditions, and company strategies are subject to change. The Creator recommends checking mentioned stock prices, market conditions, and company strategies on third-party sites to confirm the most up to date information.
All investing and trading in the securities market involves risk. Any decision to trade in stock or all other financial instruments is a personal decision that should only be made after engaging with professional assistance, assessment of personal risk and financial risk, and thorough research.